Americans Forces Police a Serbian Resident in Zitinje
U.S. soldiers escort a Serbian civilian from his home in Zitinje after finding an automatic weapon, July 26, 1999
U.S. Army 1st Lt. James Perrine (right) escorts a Serbian citizen from his home in Zitinje, Kosovo, after finding an automatic weapon and a Russian side arm on July 26, 1999. Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 7th Field Artillery are searching for automatic weapons in the town. Perrine and other soldiers of the 7th are deployed to Kosovo as part of KFOR. KFOR is the NATO-led, international military force in Kosovo on the peacekeeping mission known as Operation Joint Guardian.
Source Spc. Daniel Ernst, U.S. Army - This Image was released by the United States Army with the ID 990726 [own work]

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