American Escort for Kosovar Albanian Children
U.S. Marines march with local Albanian children down the main street of Zegra on June 28, 1999
Gunnery Sgt. William Post (center) marches with the local children down the main street of Zegra, Kosovo, on June 28, 1999. Post learned from the children how to say left and right in Albanian and then proceeded to teach them how to march. Elements of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit are deployed from ships of the USS Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group as an enabling force for KFOR. KFOR is the NATO-led, international military force which will deploy into Kosovo on a peacekeeping mission known as Operation Joint Guardian. KFOR will ultimately consist of over 50,000 troops from more than 24 contributing nations, including NATO member-states, Partnership for Peace nations and others. Post is attached to Lima Battery, 3rd Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment.
Source Sgt. Craig J. Shell, U.S. Marine Corps - This Image was released by the United States Marine Corps [own work]

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