Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015

  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015
  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015
  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015
  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015
  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015
  • ISIS killed at least 500 members of Iraq’s Yazidi ethnic minority in August 2014
  • Persecution of Yazidis by ISIS, Iraq August 2014- August 2015

A year ago, Islamic State militants (ISIS) attacked the Yazidi minority community in northern Iraq, killing hundreds of men and enslaving thousands of women. More than 100,000 Yazidi fled Sinjar since August 2014 when ISIS first launched the attack. Many Yazidi women were kidnapped and enslaved and the men were butchered. Yazidi activists say they have gathered a list of at least 4,600 missing Yazidi women. Most of these women are sold to other ISIS members or put on the slave market.

Taken during 2014-08-08 - 2015-08-02
License Attribution Creative CommonsAttribution Creative Commons
Created by Taylor on 2015-08-05

Original source

Photo 1: Rachel Unkovic/International Rescue Comittee/ Wikipedia

Photo 2,3,4: Voce of America

Photo 5: Erin Brohman/Twitter

Photo 6: The Shia Post

Photo 7: Chris Church Jerusalem/Flickr


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