Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015

  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
  • Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015

This report features scenes from large demonstrations in Buenos Aires, Argentina that saw thousands of people march against gender violence and femicide following a the murder of a 14 year old girl in May 2015 by her 16 year old brother and a series of similarly shocking cases of femicide. In Argentina, a women is murdered every 31 hours.

Women's rights organisations, unions, political parties and the Catholic Church voiced their support for the demonstrations. Argentina's current President, Cristina Elisabet Fernandez, also took to social media condemning 'a culture that devastates women'.

Marches against femicide are also taking place in neighbouring Chile and Uruguay.

Created by Taylor on 2015-06-21

Original source

Photo 1,2 & 3: Loli Perez, The News Hub

Photo 4: Alice Glass @ALICEGLASS Twitter

Photo 5,6,7 & 8: UShouldKnowBetter

Photo 9: Chris Eaton/Ultra Violet Twitter


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