Scenes from Anti-Tia Maria Mine Protests; Peru ,May-June 2015

Police fighting local inhabitants in Cocachacra protesting the proposed Tia Maria mine.
  • Police fighting local inhabitants in Cocachacra protesting the proposed Tia Maria mine.
  • Peru’s government has responded to the Tia Maria protests by sending in the army.
  • One of the many demonstrations against the Tia Maria mining project in Perú
  • Anti-Tia Maria Mine Protest
  • Anti-Tia Maria Mine Protest

The Tia Maria mine is a large copper mine located in the south of Peru in Moquegua Region. The project is operated by Southern Copper Corporation with Newmont Mining Corporation owning a share.

In 2011, there were protests against the project which led to the death of three people. Concern about the impact on agriculture led the project to be put on hold. A revised Environmental Impact Assessment by Geoservice Ingeniería for Southern Copper Corporation was approved in August, 2014. The construction permit is pending.

A new round of farmer-led protests began in March 2015 and have already taken five lives in more than 60 days of regional strikes. On May 23 the state proclaimed a state of emergency for Islay province, in the south of the country. Farmers fear the project will contaminate the River Tambo vital for their rice crops.

Taken during 2015-05-12 - 2015-06-03
License Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike Creative CommonsAttribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike Creative Commons
Created by Taylor on 2015-06-13

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