Islamic State Propaganda on Destruction of Cultural Artifacts, Mosul Iraq, Feb 2015

  • Islamic State Propaganda on Destruction of Cultural Artifacts, Mosul Iraq, Feb 2015
  • Islamic State Propaganda on Destruction of Cultural Artifacts, Mosul Iraq, Feb 2015
  • Islamic State Propaganda on Destruction of Cultural Artifacts, Mosul Iraq, Feb 2015
  • Islamic State Propaganda on Destruction of Cultural Artifacts, Mosul Iraq, Feb 2015

Isis followers have released a propaganda film of sledge-hammer wielding militants destroying Assyrian and other historical artifacts in Mosul, Iraq.

Many of the pieces attacked date back millennia. The pieces were largely taken from the Mosul Museum.

Taken on 2015-02-26
Source IS Social Media via The Independent
License No Known CopyrightNo Known Copyright
Created by SamiGoat on 2015-02-26


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