Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016

  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016
  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016
  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016
  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016
  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016
  • Effects of 2016 Taiwan Earthquake; Tainan, Taiwan, February 2016

An earthquake struck a region to the northeast of Pintung City in south Taiwan on the 6th of February 2016. The earthquake, causing widespread damage and 117 deaths, had a moment magnitude of 6.4.

The effects were more devastating in Tainan, approximately 300 km south of Taipei, than the epicentre owing to the soft nature of the soil which allowed surface ground to be amplified, thus creating more devastating effects in Tainan.

Created by Alison Cooke on 2016-02-20


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