Pinjra Tod Demonstration; Delhi, New India, Oct 2015
Featured in this photo report are scenes of university students in Delhi protesting against sexist rules for women's hostels and the lack of proper anti-sexual harassment resources across Indian universities. The campaign is called Pinjra Tod (Break the Cage) in response to the fact that female students are routinely locked inside their hostels after dark whilst male students face no curfews.
'Images from an energetic and cathartic protest outside Telangana Bhawan (New Delhi) today by pinjratod in solidarity with the struggle of our women comrades from Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad. Rule-books of hostels from universities across Delhi were torn and burnt, and a memorandum was submitted to the Resident Commissioner.
We also blocked the main gate of Telangana Bhawan for the duration of the protest and when VIP officials wanted to get out in their fancy cars, we demanded that they show us a permission letter from their Local Guardians and enquired if their parents knew where they were going. We told them that it would be better for their own 'safety' to remain inside the gates.' - Pinjratod facebook page
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