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Displaying 1 - 20 / 25 Search Results
Aftermath of Alleged Syrian Gov. Napalm Attack on Damascus Suburb of Darayya; Syria, Aug 2015
Taken on 2015-08-11
Aftermath of Alleged Syrian Government Napalm Attack on the Besieged Damascus Suburb of Darayya, Syria.
Source: archicivilians/twitter
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2015-08-16
Destroyed Building in Darayya after Alleged Syrian Gov. Napalm Attack; Damascus, Syria, Aug 2015
Taken on 2015-08-11
Destroyed Building in Darayya after Alleged Syrian Government Napalm Attack, Damascus.
Source: archicivilians/twitter
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2015-08-16
Child Victim of Sarin, Ghouta Syria, August 2013
Taken on 2013-08-21
"A child victim (froths) from the mouth, a medical condition associated with exposure to nerve agents such as Sarin." (HRW)
Source: Eribin City
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-09-14
Rediscovered Phosphene Gas Bomb From Livens Projector, France, 2006
Taken on 2006-12-09
A phosphene gas bomb recently emerged from a onetime battlefield of the First World War.
Source: Wikipedia
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06
Ukrainian 19th Battalion, Kuwait, August 2003
Taken on 2003-08-03
Members of the Ukrainian Army’s 19th Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Battalion maintain their decontamination skills, while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.
Source: US Government/Wikipedia
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2015-04-15
Vietnamese Officer Suffering From Agent Orange Exposure, 1985
Taken on 1985-01-01
Former Vietnamese officer suffering from Agent Orange exposure examines a photo from before he enlisted. This particular officer did not begin to suffer the effects of Agent Orange for more than a decade following the end of the Vietnam War. Date unknown; at least one decade after Vietnam War.
Source: Cong, Tri; Dioxin - The pain of all people, Vietnam News Agency
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
Rusting Barrels of Agent Orange, Johnson Atoll, 1976
Taken on 1976-01-01
Rusting barrels of Agent Orange on Johnson Atoll, 1976. Date unknown.
Source: US Government
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
Leaking Agent Orange Barrels, Johnson Atoll, 1973
Taken on 1973-01-01
Leaking barrels of Agent Orange, Johnson Atoll, 1973.
Source: US Government
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
US Helicopter Sprays Defoliation Agent Over Mekong Delta, South Vietnam, July, 1969
Taken on 1969-07-26
US helicopter sprays defoliating agent, likely the highly toxic Agent Orange, over the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam, July, 1969.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
US Armored Personnel Carrier Sprays Agent Orange, South Vietnam, Vietnam War
Taken on 1969-01-01
US troops spray Agent Orange from an armored personnel carrier in South Vietnam. Exact date and location unknown.
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
US Planes Spray Defoliant in Operation Ranch Hand, South Vietnam, 1960s
Taken on 1968-01-01
US planes spray defoliant, likely the highly toxic dioxin (Agent Orange), over Vietnamese jungle, exact date unknown. Date unknown.
Source: National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
US Riverboat Mounted Napalm, South Vietnam, Vietnam War
Taken on 1968-01-01
US boat with napalm, South Vietnam, Vietnam War. Date unknown.
Source: US Naval War College Museum
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
US Napalm Bombs Explode On Suspected Viet Cong Structures, South Vietnam, 1965
Taken on 1965-01-01
US napalm bombs explode on suspected Viet Cong structures in South Vietnam, 1965. Date unknown.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
French Drop Napalm in Indochina, December, 1953
Taken on 1953-12-01
French napalm drop in Indochina. Location unknown, date unknown.
Source: Wikipedia
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-17
Taken on 1953-05-25
GRABLE EVENT - Part of Operation Upshot-Knothole, was a 15-kiloton test fired from a 280-mm cannon on May 25, 1953 at the Nevada Proving Grounds. Frenchman's Flat, Nevada - Atomic Cannon TestHistory's first atomic artillery shell fired from the Army's new 280-mm artillery gun. Hundreds of high ranking Armed Forces officers and members of Congress are present. The fireball ascending.
Source: Federal government of the United States
Uploaded by SATest on 2013-11-12
Examples of the Various Gas Masks Used Along the Western Front, World War I
Taken on 1920-01-01
Examples of the various gas masks used by forces stationed along the Western Front. Date unknown.
Source: "The Literary Digest History of the World War", volume V, p. 55.
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06
Australian Troops Ready for Gas Attack in Flanders, Belgium, World War I, 1917
Taken on 1917-09-27
Australian troops wait in trenches, ready for a gas attack, September, 1917.
Source: Australian War Memorial
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06
British Victims of German Gas Attack, Western Front, July 1917
Taken on 1917-07-19
British victims of an unexpected German gas attack, Western Front, July 1917.
Source: Wikipedia
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06
Machine Gun Crew With Gas Masks, Battle of the Somme, 1917
Taken on 1916-07-01
British machine gun crew wears gas masks at the Battle of the Somme, 1917. Date unknown.
Source: Imperial War Museums
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06
British Soccer Team With Gas Masks, Western Front, World War I
Taken on 1916-06-01
British soccer team is prepared for gas attack, Western Front, World War I. Date unknown.
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Uploaded by northway on 2014-08-06