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Displaying 1 - 20 / 236 Search Results
Poster: There is no worse virus than Uribism; Colombia, June 2021
Taken on 2021-06-10
This poster reflects the social rejection of various sectors of colombian society (students, victims of armed conflict, trade unions, left-wing political psrties...) Of former president Alvaro Uribe Velez (2002-2010) and the legacies left through his "democratic security" policies which permitted the boosting of war in Colombia. One of the reasons for this rejection has been the false positives scandal, a.milutary strategy which saw the killing of innocent young civilians who were presented as members of insurgent groups killed in battle.
Uploaded by Colombianresearcher on 2021-07-04
Body of Protester Paola Ramirez; San Cristobal, Venezuala, April 2017
Taken on 2017-04-21
Body of Paola Ramírez, allegedly shot by pro-government offices while fleeing with her boyfriend, in San Cristobal near the Columbian border, according to witnesses and relatives.
Source: Voice of America/Wikipedia
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2017-05-07
Anti-Maduro Protest in Altamira Square; Caracas, Venezuala, April 2017
Taken on 2017-04-19
"Altamira Square, one of the meeting points of the April 19th 2017 march in Venezuela."
Source: Jamez42/Wikipedia
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2017-05-07
Candlelit Vigil in Trafalgar Square; London, UK, 26 March 2017
Taken on 2017-03-26
Londoners lighting candles during a vigil in Trafalgar Square.
Source: JonathanGarcia456/Wikipedia
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2017-06-17
Effigy of Donald Trump used by DisruptJ20 protesters; Phoenix, USA, Jan 2017
Taken on 2017-02-20
The image shows an effigy of Donald Trump used in a protest organised by DisruptJ20 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. DisruptJ20 is a Washington, D.C.-based organisation. Its initial aim was disrupting the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the USA.
Source: Enough is Enough
Uploaded by parkinth on 2017-01-20
Anti-Trump Student Walkout at University of Texas; Austin, Janurary 2017
Taken on 2017-01-20
At noon to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump students form the University of Texas walked out of class and protested under the University of Texas Tower.
Source: Chris Fox/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2017-01-20
Placards Against the Dakota Access Pipeline: San Francisco, USA, November 2016
Taken on 2016-11-15
The images show a number of protestors holding placards. This formed part of the protests against the construction of the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline.
Source: Wikimedia Commons User: Funcrunch
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2017-04-10
Protest Against North Dakota Pipeline Outside San Francisco City Hall; USA, November 2016
Taken on 2016-11-15
The image shows people protesting against the Dakota Access Pipeline in front of San Francisco City Hall. Projected onto the City Hall is the words "NO DAPL". According to The National Broadcasting Company, as many as 2,000 activists showed up in front of San Francisco City Hall.
Source: Wikimedia Commons User: Funcrunch
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2017-04-10
Pro-Erdogan Protest Taksim Square; Istanbul, Turkey; July 2016
Taken on 2016-08-06
Image of pro-Erdogan protest in Taksim Square following attempted coup July 2016
Source: Freddie Fleischmann-Allen
Uploaded by Freddie Fleischmann-Allen on 2018-01-04
Pro-Government Turkish Citizens Protest Against Coup Attempt in Tokat, Turkey; July 2016
Taken on 2016-07-17
A protest against the attempted military coup in Turkey which took place in the Tokat City, in the mid-Black Sea region of Anatolia. "2016, 17 Temmuz bölücü askeri askerî darbe girişimi karşıtı bir protestodan görünüm, Tokat"
Source: Lubunya/Wikipedia
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2016-08-31
Pro-Falun Gong Protest; Hong Kong, SAR China, June 2016
Taken on 2016-06-12
The image shows a Falun Gong practitioner protesting against the Chinese Communist Party's 'persecution' and 'slandering' of the spiritual practise. The protest took place in Tung Chung, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Immediately opposite this, an anti-Falun Gong protest was taking place.
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-20
Anti-Falun Gong Protest; Hong Kong, SAR China, June 2016
Taken on 2016-06-12
The image shows an anti-Falun Gong protest taking place in Tung Chung, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. This was occurring directly opposite a pro-Falun Gong protest.
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-20
Umbrella Movement Rally; Hong Kong, SAR China, June 2016
Taken on 2016-06-09
The image shows activists from the Umbrella Movement holding a march and subsequent rally in Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong.
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-20
Protesters Burn Iconic Trump Hat; San Jose, USA, June 2016
Taken on 2016-06-02
Protestors burn one of the iconic "Make America Great Again" hats at a Donald Trump rally in San Jose.
Source: Alex Stone/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-06-03
Falun Gong Members Participate in Memorial Day Parade; Rockville, Maryland, USA, May 2016
Taken on 2016-05-30
Images are from Rockville, Maryland's, 72nd Annual Memorial Day Parade which included around 60 parade units. Practitioners of Falun Gong participated in the parade with 70 other ethnic groups. Among the Falun Gong activities included appeals for support to stop the persecution of the practice in China. "Falun Gong practitioners’ positive contributions to the community have been well recognized in Maryland. In May, numerous federal level senators, congressmen, state representatives, state senators and mayors issued proclamations to Falun Gong, praising the teachings of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” Most of these proclamations were for World Falun Dafa Day, which is observed each year on May 13."
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-05
Mothers Protest Houthis Detaining Children; Sana'a, Yemen, May 2016
Taken on 2016-05-24
Mothers of children lingering in Houthis prisons in Yemen's capital protest illegal detention of their children.
Source: Qaid/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-05-24
Protesters March past A Coloured 'Porta Macedonia'; Skopje, Macedonia, May 2016
Taken on 2016-05-17
Image shows evidence of the 2016 Macedonian protests which has been referred to as the "Colorful Revolution".
Source: HristijanGjorgievski/Twitter
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-05
Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building 'Coloured' by Protesters; Skopje, Macedonia, May 201
Taken on 2016-05-17
Image shows evidence of the 2016 Macedonian Protests also known as the "Colourful Revolution", which in addition to demonstrations has seen government buildings and monuments painted as a sign of protest against alleged government corruption.
Source: Reinhard Bütikofer/Twitter
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-06-05
Police Block Roads to Fracking Sites From Protestors; Woodburn, Northern Ireland, May 2016
Taken on 2016-05-10
Police block roads to Woodburn, to prevent protestors and environmentalists from interrupting fracking sites.
Source: 1916 Societies/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-05-10
Pro-Tibetan Protest; New York, USA, April 2016
Taken on 2016-04-08
Pro-Tibetan protestors gathered outside the Chinese Mission to the UN in New York City, United States of America. The protest was focused on demands for the release of Khenpo Kartse and Shokjang, a Buddhist teacher and writer respectively, both sentenced to time in prison by the Chinese government.
Source: Students for a Free Tibet/Facebook
Uploaded by Alison Cooke on 2016-04-09