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Displaying 1 - 3 / 3 Search Results
Delhi Police attack on Manipuri students; New Delhi, India, June 2016
Taken on 2016-06-07
Delhi Police attacked students from the Northeast Indian state of Manipur in a lathi-charge (with sticks) at the Manipur Bhavan in New Delhi. The students were protesting against Inner Line Permit (ILP) related bills in Manipur which restrict mobility in certain parts of the country. Manipur, like other states in Northeast India, has historically been subject to gross negligence and abuse at the hands of national authorities; an unresolved and ongoing problem. Violent repression of protesters is a commonplace occurrence.
Source: Manipur Tribal Forum Delhi & All India Students' Association/Facebook
Uploaded by supriyaa on 2016-06-08
Oak Flat Copper Mining Conflict; Arizona, U.S., Feb-March 2015
Taken on 2015-03-18
About 100 miles north of Tucson, Resolution Copper Mining wants to build a mine in Superior, a town of 2,800 people, that could yield 1 billion pounds of copper a year. The land Resolution wants includes the 760-acre Oak Flat Withdrawal Area, which was deemed off-limits to future mining by a 1955 land order signed by President Dwight Eisenhower. The bill would overturn that order. The mine would devastate the surface of Oak Flat, an area sacred to Apache tribes. It’s an ancestral home for several clans of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, some of whom are protesting the development.
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-07-28
Edwin Chota Portrait; Saweto, Peru.
Taken on 2014-09-12 *
Edwin Chota, an outspoken Peruvian opponent of illegal logging and three other native Ashaninka community leaders were shot and killed in the remote region bordering Brazil. Chota had received frequent death threats from illegal loggers, who operate in the region with impunity.
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-10-23