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Displaying 1 - 16 / 16 Search Results
People Lining up to vote in PK5
Taken on 2015-12-13
Photos taken from the constitutional referendum held in the Central African Republic on 13th and 14th December 2015. 4 photos from the polling station at the Baya Dombia school of PK5, a Muslim enclave of Bangui and 1 from a polling station in the Lakouanga neighborhood of Bangui.
Source: Jonathan Pedneault/Amnesty International/ Twitter
Uploaded by RFrost on 2016-01-06
Save the Children Volunteers to Provide Aid in Central African Republic, Mar 2015
Taken on 2015-03-19
Community volunteers are appointed to be the link between their communities and the health centre. Save the Children has trained them to identify the main causes of diseases, promote best hygiene and health practices, and follow up on nutrition cases. With their bikes, Pierre, Celestine, Sabin and Matheus sometimes travel 15km away to promote access to health and nutrition care. Photo credit: Save the Children/Mark Kaye
Source: European Commission DG ECHO
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2015-03-25
In Central African Republic, Diamonds Fuel A Cycle of Violence and Poverty, Sept 2014
Taken on 2014-09-19
"Central African Republic has become a nation whose borders exist only on maps, where governmental authority is limited mostly to the 25 square miles occupied by the capital, Bangui, if that. Two years ago, mainly Muslim militias, known collectively as the Seleka, seized power, then plundered the country: from precious – diamonds, gold and ivory – to mundane – guns, cars, office supplies and food. A group of mainly Christian and animist militias later retaliated, and drove the Seleka into the countryside. Today, CAR is less a country than a collection of fiefdoms, ruled by gang-like armed groups, where religious, military, political and ethnic factions struggle for anything that might yield revenue. It’s a state “that has long ceased to exist,” the International Crisis Group said in a report earlier this year."
Source: VOA/Bagassi Koura
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2015-05-17
Anti-Balaka insurgents in Gbaguili, CAR
Taken on 2014-04-01
'Des Anti-Balaka, a Gbaguili, village situé a quelque 340 km de Bangui, en République Centrafricaine, 1er avril 2014, Photo Bagassi Koura, VOA French.'
Source: Photo Bagassi Koura, VOA French
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2014-07-29
CAR: Bangui airport IDPs
Taken on 2014-01-15
Over 900 000 people have so far been uprooted from their homes since the conflict escalated. Close to half a million are in the outskirts of the capital Bangui with 100 000 taking refuge at the airport.
Source: EU/ECHO/Pierre-Yves Scotto/Flickr
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-05-08
Central African Republic Civil Crisis, December 2013
Taken on 2013-12-22
The Central African Republic conflict is a civil war in the Central African Republic between the Séléka rebel coalition and government forces, which began on 10 December 2012. The conflict arose after rebels accused the government of President François Bozizé of failing to abide by peace agreements signed in 2007 and 2011. Many of the rebel groups were previously involved in the Central African Republic Bush War. This VOA Gallery shows Burundian peacekeepers and other African Union peacekeepers attempting to assuage the unrest.
Source: Idriss Fall/VOA
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2015-06-09
Central African Republic: Torn Apart by Violence
Taken on 2013-09-19
An ethnic Peulh baby in a room at the Ecole Liberty, where the child’s family found shelter in Bossangoa.
Source: UNHCR / S. Phelps/Flickr
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-05-08
CAR refugees in Cameroon, Gbiti and Timangolo camps, 2013
Taken on 2013-07-17
More than 100 000 new refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR) have crossed the border to Cameroon since violence escalated in December 2013. The European Commission's humanitarian aid and civil protection service ECHO has stepped up its support enabling partners to provide emergency assistance. During a joint visit to assess humanitarian needs, the UN Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel, Robert Piper, and ECHO's Regional Head of Office, Cyprien Fabre, meet with recently arrived refugees from CAR and humanitarian organisations on the ground in Gbiti and Timangolo, eastern Cameroon.
Source: OCHA/Ivo Brandau
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-08-25
Malnourished Child and Mother During Civil War, Central African Republic, 2013
Taken on 2013-07-11
During the March crisis, Francine's husband was killed. She walked 95 km to Bangui, to get help for her two year old child, Hilaire. Hilaire is better but still needs more care. © Gregoire Pourtier
Source: EU/ECHO
Uploaded by acmckinnon on 2014-12-31
Looting in Bangui, CAR
Taken on 2013-04-04
Photo taken by P.A.S. HOPFAN in the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), Bangui, after the looting of private and public property following the seizure of the city by the Seleka rebel coalition.
Source: P.A.S. HOPFAN (CC)
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2014-01-20
Looting in Bangui, CAR
Taken on 2013-04-04
Photo taken in the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), Bangui, after the looting of private and public property following the seizure of the city by the Seleka rebel coalition
Source: P.A.S. HOPFAN NGO/Flickr
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-05-08
Child with Shell Casings, Central African Republic, 2007
Taken on 2007-06-20
Child in a rebel camp in the north-eastern Central African Republic.
Source: Pierre Holtz | UNICEF
Uploaded by acmckinnon on 2014-12-31
Child in Uniform, Central African Republic, 2007
Taken on 2007-06-19
Child in Uniform, Central African Republic, 2007
Source: Pierre Holtz | UNICEF
Uploaded by acmckinnon on 2014-12-31
Early Séléka Fighters
Taken on 2007-06-15
Rebels in the north of the Central African Republic.
Source: hdptcar (CC 2.0)
Uploaded by SamiGoat on 2014-01-20
Rebel in northern Central African Republic
Taken on 2007-06-15
Rebel camp in the north-eastern Central African Republic.
Source: hdptcar/flickr
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-05-08
Rebel in northern Central African Republic 01
Taken on 2007-06-15
Rebel in Northern Central African Republic during the Bush War
Source: hdptcar/flickr
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-05-08