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Displaying 1 - 20 / 20 Search Results
Female Asayish (Kurdish Police) Members Meeting in Qamişlo; Syria, May 2016
Taken on 2016-05-05
Meeting in Qamişlo of female Asayish (Rojava Police force) members, discussing the role of women in the Syrian Civil War and Rojava Revolution.
Source: Dr Partizan/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-05-11
Planned Parenthood Shooting; Colorado Springs, CO, USA, Nov 2015
Taken on 2015-11-27
Planned Parenthood, which delivers reproductive health care and sex education to women and men across the United States, came under attack by a man with an assault rifle on November 27, 2015. Three individuals were killed in the shooting: University of Colorado Colorado Springs police officer Garrett Swasey, 44, who responded to the shooting; Ke'Arre M. Stewart, 29, who ran back to the clinic to warn others after being shot; and Jennifer Markovsky, 35, who was accompanying a friend to the clinic. Nine other victims, comprising five police officers and four civilians, were shot and admitted to local area hospitals. The gun-man eventually surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired. The attack comes after three additional attacks on Planned Parenthood clinics in 2015 (two cases of arson and one vandalism) and in the context of ongoing anti-abortion violence in the United States against both individuals and organisations ranging from vandalism and threats to arson, bombings and murder since the 1980s.
Source: KXAN/CBS/NBC/The Patriot/The People's Report/Smartphonestyle/The Michigan Daily
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-12-16
Pinjra Tod Demonstration; Delhi, New India, Oct 2015
Taken on 2015-10-15
Featured in this photo report are scenes of university students in Delhi protesting against sexist rules for women's hostels and the lack of proper anti-sexual harassment resources across Indian universities. The campaign is called Pinjra Tod (Break the Cage) in response to the fact that female students are routinely locked inside their hostels after dark whilst male students face no curfews. 'Images from an energetic and cathartic protest outside Telangana Bhawan (New Delhi) today by pinjratod in solidarity with the struggle of our women comrades from Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad. Rule-books of hostels from universities across Delhi were torn and burnt, and a memorandum was submitted to the Resident Commissioner. We also blocked the main gate of Telangana Bhawan for the duration of the protest and when VIP officials wanted to get out in their fancy cars, we demanded that they show us a permission letter from their Local Guardians and enquired if their parents knew where they were going. We told them that it would be better for their own 'safety' to remain inside the gates.' - Pinjratod facebook page
Source: Pinjra Tod/Facebook
Uploaded by supriyaa on 2015-10-17
Women and Children Fleeing Northern Syria Conflict; West of Tal Abyad, Syria, June 2015
Taken on 2015-06-06
Women and children fleeing ISIS occupied territory around Tal Abyad. A number of the featured women are seen removing their black burkas revealing brightly colored outfits in order to celebrate their freedom. The photos were taken west of Tal Abyad, known to the Kurdish as Girê Sipî, which has been under ISIS control since last year, according to local Kobani photo-journalist Jack Shahine. It is one of a few Turkish border crossings still ruled by ISIS.
Source: Jack Shahine/Cahida Dersim/Twitter
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-06-06
Protests Against Femicide; Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2015
Taken on 2015-06-04
This report features scenes from large demonstrations in Buenos Aires, Argentina that saw thousands of people march against gender violence and femicide following a the murder of a 14 year old girl in May 2015 by her 16 year old brother and a series of similarly shocking cases of femicide. In Argentina, a women is murdered every 31 hours. Women's rights organisations, unions, political parties and the Catholic Church voiced their support for the demonstrations. Argentina's current President, Cristina Elisabet Fernandez, also took to social media condemning 'a culture that devastates women'. Marches against femicide are also taking place in neighbouring Chile and Uruguay.
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-06-21
Village plants 111 Trees Everytime a Girl is Born, Piplantri-India, May 2015
Taken on 2015-05-30 *
In a country where having a boy is preferred over having a girl, a small village in India has caught global attention with a contradictory tradition.The village of Piplantri plants 111 trees for every girl that is born. Along with the trees parents are required to sign an affidavit that states their daughter will receive proper education and will not marry until she is of legal age. Piplantri is a beacon of hope for young women in India and their celebration of women shows the world just how valuable they are to society.
Source: Thinking Humanity
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-05-28
Scenes of Kurdish Women who Have Taken Up Arms Against ISIS; Kurdish Iraq and Syria, 2014-2015
Taken on 2015-04-01 *
Featured in this photo report are scenes of women who have taken up arms against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The majority of these female fighters come from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a militant organization with Marxist-Leninst roots based in Turkey and Iraq that seeks greater political rights and cultural autonomy for Kurds; and the Syria based Women's Protection Unit (YPJ), which is strongly associated with the PKK. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organisation by several states and organisations including Turkey, the USA and NATO. Despite being listed as a terrorist organisation several sources have stated that informal cooperation between the USA and PKK exist in the context of the ongoing battle against ISIS. It is said among the Kurds that their female fighters inspire great fear in the ISIS militants, who believe that if they are killed by a woman they will not go to heaven.
Source: BBC Urdu/PBS/FolkKurd
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-08-31
Rojavan Women's Assembly; Qamislo, Syria, December 2014
Taken on 2014-12-06
Women's assembly meeting near Qamislo. Two major parts of the ideology of Rojava are direct and council forms of democracy and feminism/women rights.
Source: Janet Biehl/Flickr
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-05-10
ISIS killed at least 500 members of Iraq’s Yazidi ethnic minority in August 2014
Taken on 2014-08-10
A year ago, Islamic State militants (ISIS) attacked the Yazidi minority community in northern Iraq, killing hundreds of men and enslaving thousands of women. More than 100,000 Yazidi fled Sinjar since August 2014 when ISIS first launched the attack. Many Yazidi women were kidnapped and enslaved and the men were butchered. Yazidi activists say they have gathered a list of at least 4,600 missing Yazidi women. Most of these women are sold to other ISIS members or put on the slave market.
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-08-05
Campaign to stop Female Genital Mutilation; Al Fashir, Shamal Darfor, Sudan March 2014
Taken on 2014-03-30
(Left to right) Ihlas Mohamed, Nephisa Ahmed, Hayat Chambad, Hawa Osmani, Fathia Omar and Manahil Adam are students and teachers of the Midwifery School in El Fasher, North Darfur. They all recently signed a pledge to stop the practice of female genital mutilation in Darfur.
Source: Albert Gonzalez Farran/UNAMID/Flickr
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-05-26
Poster Related to 2012 Gang Rape in India; Dehli, India, September 2013
Taken on 2013-09-01
The text on the poster says: " Delhi... Here women are scared to step out of their house.Who responsible for this intense fear?" This refers to the gang rape and murder of a 23 year old student in a bus in Delhi in December 2012
Source: New Dehlices/Flickr
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-05-26
Malnourished Child and Mother During Civil War, Central African Republic, 2013
Taken on 2013-07-11
During the March crisis, Francine's husband was killed. She walked 95 km to Bangui, to get help for her two year old child, Hilaire. Hilaire is better but still needs more care. © Gregoire Pourtier
Source: EU/ECHO
Uploaded by acmckinnon on 2014-12-31
Rally For Slain PKK Members; Paris, France, January 2013
Taken on 2013-01-26
Jan 26 2013. Kurdish Murders In Paris Demonstrations For Justice For PKK's Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan, Leyla Soylemez. Kurdish people holds portrait of the slain founding members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) Sakine Cansiz, during a protest against the killings of three Kurdish women activists.
Source: Chris Sang-hwan Jung/Wikimedia
Uploaded by parkinth on 2016-05-10
Placard from Planned Parenthood Rally in New York City
Taken on 2011-02-26
Planned Parenthood is a women's health care non-profit organization that has provided health services, predominately reproductive services, to women in the United States for nearly 100 years. Planned Parenthood tends to 2.7 million patients a year, and is a key healthcare provider for many low-income individuals. Planned parenthood has been targeted by pro-life activists and religious groups for many years in regards to its abortion services. Recent attempts to pass legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood have not succeeded.
Source: Humans of Planned Parenthood/Protect Women's Health/Women's Enews
Uploaded by Taylor on 2015-10-05
Devic Monastery Attack 2004
Taken on 2004-03-16
Kosovo and Metohija: Aftermath of an attack on Devic Monastery (1434) by Albanians on 16 March, 2004. Destruction and the rape of an elderly nun was witnessed. Photograph is part of "Roots of the Soul" project by Darko Dozet.
Source: Darko Dozet
Uploaded by MicroscopeLens on 2014-01-19
Chinese and Malayan Girls Taken by the Japanese to Work as "Comfort Women", Andaman Islands, 1945
Taken on 1945-11-01
"The Japanese Army established the comfort stations to prevent venereal diseases and rape by Japanese soldiers, to provide comfort to soldiers and head off espionage. The comfort stations were not actual solutions to the first two problems, however. According to Japanese historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi, they aggravated the problems. Yoshimi has asserted, 'The Japanese Imperial Army feared most that the simmering discontentment of the soldiers could explode into a riot and revolt. That is why it provided women.'" Exact date unknown.
Source: Imperial War Museums
Uploaded by northway on 2014-09-07
RAF Officer with Comfort Woman, Rangoon, Burma, August 1945
Taken on 1945-08-08
"A Chinese girl from one of the Japanese Army's 'comfort battalions' sits on a stretcher, awaiting interrogation at a camp in Rangoon. The uniform and insignia on the shoulder of the man next to her indicate that he is a Flying Officer in the Royal Air Force."
Source: Imperial War Museums/Wikipedia
Uploaded by northway on 2014-09-07
Dutch Comfort Woman Jan O'Herne Shortly Before Internment by the Japanese, Java, Indonesia, 1942
Taken on 1942-06-01
"Studio portrait of Jan Ruff O'Herne, taken shortly before she, her mother and sisters, as well as thousands of other Dutch women and children were interned by the Japanese Imperial Army in Ambarawa. Over the following months, O'Herne, along with six other Dutch women, were repeatedly raped, day and night, by Japanese military personnel." Exact date unknown.
Source: Australian War Memorial/Wikipedia
Uploaded by northway on 2014-09-07
Women's Protection Unit Fighters in Syria;
Taken on 2015-05-26 *
Kurdish members of the Women's Protection Unit (YPJ).
Source: m4zlum/tumblr
Uploaded by parkinth on 2015-06-02
Assyrian Women Learning How to Protect Themselves and Their Families From ISIS in Qamishli, 2015
Taken on 2015-06-01 *
Assyrian women learning how to protect themselves and their families from ISIS in Qamishli, 2015.
Source: IraqiSuryani/Twitter
Uploaded by parkinth on 2015-06-18