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Displaying 1 - 8 / 8 Search Results
Pro-Democracy Demonstrations, Casablanca Morocco, May 2011
Taken on 2011-05-15
Young people turn out en masse to lobby for a role in the nation's future.
Source: Imrane Binoual/Magharebia
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-10-09
Human rights defender Ali Salem Tamek in Ait Melloul prison (Morocco), August 2005
Taken on 2005-08-29
Human rights defender Ali Salem Tamek in Ait Melloul prison (Morocco). He was detained in the El Aaiun airport after attending several conferences in Europe supporting independence of Western Sahara. He was sentenced to prison for 8 months for incitement to trouble the public order during the Independence Intifada. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch consider him a prisoner of conscience.
Source: Western Sahara/Flickr
Uploaded by parkinth on 2015-06-17
Polisario Troops Near Tifariti, Western Sahara, May 2005
Taken on 2005-05-21
Gathering of Saharawi troops, near Tifariti (Western Sahara), celebrating the 32nd anniversary ot the Polisario Front. On May 21, 2005.
Source: Soldadu saharauiak/Flickr
Uploaded by parkinth on 2015-05-20
Casablanca Conference, '43
Taken on 1943-01-14
Description: Casablanca-Conference - Seated: President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill. Standing, front row, left to right: General Arnold, Admiral King, General Marshall, Admiral Pound, Air Chief Marshal Portal, General Brooke, Field Marshal Dill, and Admiral Mountbatten. January 1943.
Source: W. Wolny
Uploaded by SATest on 2014-06-26
Abd El Karim
Taken on 1919-10-10
Cropped section of a picture showing Abd el-Krim and Spanish military and civilian officials during a ceremony at the Academia Oficial de Árabe of Melilla in October 1919. Abd el-Krim is referred to by a local newspaper reporting on the event as Kadi (judge) Sidi Mohamed Abd el Krim, member of the Oficina Central Indígena (Bureau of Native Affairs). Within a year, Abd el-Krim will be in open rebellion against the Spaniards and proclaim the Republic of the Rif.
Source: Wikimedia/Melilla newspaper El Telegrama del Rif
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-07-07
Capture of Mount Tumiat
Taken on 1912-03-22
Las tropas españolas se retiran tras la toma del monte Tumiat, combate en el que murieron un teniente coronel y tres segundos tenientes el 22 de marzo de 1912.
Source: Wikimedia/Mundo Gráfico, número 23 de 3 de abril de 1912, página 16
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-07-07
Spanish Bombardment
Taken on 1911-05-01
Cañón Saint Chamond del ejército español abriendo fuego para proteger el avance de las tropas que levantan el campamento de Talusit, localidad recientemente tomada durante la Guerra del Rif en 1911.
Source: Wikimedia/Mundo Gráfico, número 5 de 29 de noviembre de 1911, página 17
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-07-07
General Marina
Taken on 1910-06-01
General Marina
Source: Wikimedia/E. Ashmead-Bartlett
Uploaded by mfa1988 on 2014-07-07